Double-blind, placebo-controlled study of L-carnosine supplementation in children with autistic spectrum disorders

Autore: Chez MG, Buchanan CP, Aimonovitch MC, Becker M, Schaefer K, Black C, Komen J.

Child Neurol 2012

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Carnosine enhances diabetic wound healing in the db/db mouse model of type 2 diabetes

Autore:Ansurudeen I, Sunkari VG, Grunler J, Peters V, Schmitt CP, Catrina SB, Brismar K, Forsberg EA

Amino Acids, 2012

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Nickel allergy is found in a majority of women with chronic fatigue syndrome and muscle pain

Autore: Bjőrn Regland, MD et al.

Journal of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Vol 8

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Oral hyposensitization to nickel induces clinical improvement and a decrease in TH1 and TH2 cytokines in patients with systemic nickel allergy syndrome

Autore: Minelli M, Schiavino D, Musca F, Bruno ME, Falagiani P, Mistrello G, Riva G, Braga M, Turi MC, Di Rienzo V, Petrarca C, Schiavone C, Di Gioacchino M

Int J Immunopathol Pharmacol. 2010

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Oral hyposensitization in patients with systemic nickel allergy syndrome

Autore: Mario Di Gioacchino, Luisa Ricciardi, Ornella De Pità, Mauro Minelli, Vincenzo Patella, Susanna Voltolini, Valerio Di Rienzo, Marina Braga, Enzo Ballone, Rocco Mangifesta, Domenico Schiavino

Annals of Medicine, 2014

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The European Surveillance System of Contact Allergies (ESSCA): results of patch testing the standard series

Autore: The ESSCA Writing Group

Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2008

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Management of contact dermatitis due to nickel allergy: an update.

Autore:Fernanda Torres, Maria das Graças, Mota Melo, Antonella Tosti

Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dermatology. 2009

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Systemic nickel allergy syndrome (SNAS). A review.

Autore: Falagiani P, Di Gioacchino M, Ricciardi L, Minciullo PM, Saitta S, Carni A, Santoro G, Gangemi S, Minelli M, Bozzetti MP, Massari S, Mauro S, Schiavino D

Rev Port Imunoalergologia 2008

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A clinical trial of oral hyposensitization in systemic allergy to nickel

Autore: Schiavino D., Nucera E., Alonzi C., Buonomo A., Pollastrini E., Roncallo C., De Pasquale T., Lombardo C., La Torre G., Sabato V., Pecora V., Patriarca G.

Int J Immunopathol Pharmacol. 2006

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