Autore: Christopher J. Stewart, Emma C. L. Marrs, Andrew Nelson,… 17:00:112022-08-25 16:49:40Development of the Preterm Gut Microbiome in Twins at Risk of Necrotising Enterocolitis and Sepsis
Autore: LORRAINE DENNERSTEIN, EMMA C. DUDLEY, JOHN L. HOPPER,… 16:56:102022-08-25 16:48:33A Prospective Population-Based Study of Menopausal Symptoms
Autore: Debora Compare, Alba Rocco, Costantino Sgamato, Pietro… 16:49:132022-08-25 16:46:21Lactobacillus paracasei F19 versus placebo for the prevention of proton pump inhibitor-induced bowel symptoms: A randomized clinical trial
Autore: Blaine A. Christiansen, PhD1, Simi Bhatti, Ramin Goudarzi,… 16:46:132022-08-25 16:45:01Management of Osteoarthritis with Avocado/Soybean Unsaponifiables
Autore: A Report of the Mary Horrigan Connors Center for Women’s… 17:38:562022-06-03 16:44:39Sex-Specific Medical Research Why Women’s Health Can’t Wait
Autore: Ruben Hummelen, Jean M. Macklaim, Jordan E. Bisanz, Jo-Anne… 17:34:342022-08-25 16:43:34Vaginal Microbiome and Epithelial Gene Array in Post- Menopausal Women with Moderate to Severe Dryness
Autore: Giovannella Baggio
Cattedra di Medicina di Genere,… 17:19:272022-08-25 16:42:31Dalla medicina di genere alla medicina genere-specifica